Sunday, 15 March 2015

View from the Inside

Here we are folks, inside the big build. The gentlemen are walking through what will be the Reception and Lobby area, it is so spacious. And then the view from inside the administration office. And hey look …….. 2 new lifts, WOW! That will make a total of 3 lifts in the hotel


Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Coming Along Nicely!

Hey folks, sorry for the long silence….. not that progress has stopped but I have been away. When I got back I could not believe how rapid the works had progressed. Here are some pictures, the frontage of the room block is getting made up beautifully, don’t you just love the colour scheme? And………. The Reception/Lobby area is coming into form and ………look – there is a new slip road into the car park! 
