Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Look at this and it’s not even completed yet

This is so exciting – the front of the new wing is looking great, imagine what it will look like when completed. The internal fittings are going on at the same time but that will be another unveiling hopefully sometime soon.

Sunday, 15 March 2015

View from the Inside

Here we are folks, inside the big build. The gentlemen are walking through what will be the Reception and Lobby area, it is so spacious. And then the view from inside the administration office. And hey look …….. 2 new lifts, WOW! That will make a total of 3 lifts in the hotel


Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Coming Along Nicely!

Hey folks, sorry for the long silence….. not that progress has stopped but I have been away. When I got back I could not believe how rapid the works had progressed. Here are some pictures, the frontage of the room block is getting made up beautifully, don’t you just love the colour scheme? And………. The Reception/Lobby area is coming into form and ………look – there is a new slip road into the car park! 

Monday, 9 February 2015

The Mock-Up Room Part 2

It’s like seeing a caterpillar morph into a butterfly. With more fittings and furniture going in we can see the gradual transformation. Look at that awesome retro wallpaper!

Monday, 2 February 2015

The Lobby and Reception Part 2

Just a few days ago the steel frames were being erected for the Lobby and Foyer area, we must have blinked because now there are steel frames for the roof. This team doesn't stop for a breather when they get going. Go team go!!!

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

The Lobby and Reception

Things are really moving! The steel frames for the new Lobby and Reception area have been erected, this forms the backbone of that area, won’t be too long before they are filled in with walls and partitions. Stay with us for further updates!

Thursday, 22 January 2015

The Mock-Up Room

Hi Folks, 

Hope the year is going well for everyone so far. It is for us because, as we speak, the mock-up room is developing and we hope to be able to see the final product in a couple of weeks if not sooner. So do let us know if you are interested to have a peek otherwise stay tuned to this Blog and we will keep posting the progress. 

Spot the picker-upper in the pics and you will get  a free cup of coffee when you come to see the mock-up room.
